Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Rules and regulations of an advert

When you want to promote something using an advert you have to consider placement, timing and content also you have to consider age appropriate adverts.
Chose to focus around the brand image and associative benefits instead of those aligned with consumption.

In the United Kingdom, advertising content regulation is governed by the Advertising Standards Authority whereas in the UK most forms of outdoor advertising such as the display of billboards is regulated by the UK Town and County Planning system. Currently the display of an advertisement without consent from the Planning Authority is a criminal offence liable to a fine of £2500 per offence. All of the major outdoor billboard companies in the UK have convictions of this nature.

The Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations mean you can’t mislead or harass consumers by, for example:
·         Including false or deceptive messages
·         Leaving out important information
·         Using aggressive sales techniques

All marketing and advertising must be:
·         An accurate description of the product or service
·         Legal
·         Decent
·         Truthful
·         Honest
·         Socially responsible (not encouraging illegal, unsafe or anti-social behaviour)

purpose for our campayn

The purpose for our campaign is to get more people to sign up to vote and vote in the next election. Our target audience are young adults ranging from the age of sixteen plus who are new to voting or who do not vote because they see no point in voting or signing up to vote. Our primary target audience are people who are not native speakers that know limited English and do not understand English politics. Our secondary audience are teenagers who are new to voting and do not understand how voting and politics work. The platform we will use is a print billboard that will be shown on motor ways and near local schools and colleges.

pitch presentation

Task 2b primary research

Into audience
Primary=research you do yourself

Quantitative (facts, data figures) and qualitative(opinions, attitudes, ideas)

Surveys, questionnaires- open and closed

Open questions is one with lots of possible answers        limited amount of answers (check boxes)
Open- generates qual data
Closed- generates quant data
Sample size number of people that you research and do they represent you target audience
Quantitative methods this includes in a questionnaire
Also interviews reasons, motivations
Focus groups are probably the most popular type of media research.
A group discussion with members of the target audience. Less than 10.
Video recorded. Very open ended
Usually involves showing initial advertising ideas
All methods are useful, questionnaires- early stages of research. Focus groups- more detailed ideas.

In questionnaires first few questions must establish demographic data- age, gender, ect

The questionnaire our group  designed asked a range of people about their knowledge about the voting system and for those who are cannot speak English and how they felt overall. The main feedback we understood was people (non- English speak) felt they had no right and felt intimidated by the voting system when voting by others. This showed the reason we decide to target this audience, because 51 percentage of the UK speak no English and 25% vote. This represent a huge part of the UK residents are non- English that vote without knowing what they are voting for. Their questionnaire showed Muslims were the huge apart of the percentage for people who wants to vote and are non-English speakers and following by Eastern European. The feedback we received from our interviews were a variation between yes and no when we asked if 16 years old considered voting, reasons being; the majority didn’t know enough about politics and that it isn't in their interests or priorities.

Task 2a secondary research

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

Task 2 audience research classifying

The audience
  • Demographics- jicnars -> measure if social class, income and occupation. C1 and c2 cover most people.
  • There are a number of problems with this scale. It is still very common.
  • Media research/ market research companies use jicnars as a very valuable tool.
  • Before new media products are created. Research companies carry out research into audiences. 
  • They need ways of categorising the audience.
  • Jicnars is a demographic method of measuring/ categorising audience.
  • Demographics- factual measures of audience to put them into groups includes- social class (A-E), sex/gender, age, geographical locations, ethnicity, faith/religion, disability, sexuality.

Lifestyle profiling
Categorises audience in terms of hobbies, interests, lifestyle, products consumed.

There are new lifestyle groups emerging through social networks.

Task 1b

controversial advert analysis

advert analysis